JURNAL ABDIMAS PLJ 2024-08-02T06:30:26+00:00 Sudirman Open Journal Systems <div class="intro"><ul><li><strong>Publisher: P3M Politeknik LP3I Jakarta<br /></strong></li><li><strong>Abbreviation: JAPLJ<br /></strong></li><li><strong>URL:</strong></li></ul></div><p>Sekilas Jurnal Abdimas PLJ :</p><p>Jurnal Abdimas PLJ (P-ISSN 2798-7469) ini merupakan jurnal ilmiah berkala yang terbit berdasarkan kaidah jurnal ilmiah ditujukan untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiah hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat.</p><p>Terbit pada Juli dan Desember setiap tahunnya. Naskah dikirim kapan pun melalui online (Registrasi). Pengiriman naskah Januari s/d Juni akan diterbitkan dibulan Juli dan pengiriman naskah Juli s/d November akan diterbitkan dibulan Desember</p> PELATIHAN KETERAMPILAN PELAYANAN PRIMA BAGI PEMILIK, PENGELOLA HOMESTAY DAN MASYARAKAT DI PULAU HARAPAN, KEP. SERIBU, JAKARTA 2024-07-04T06:11:38+00:00 Deny Sudrajat Iman Sulaeman Nika Sintesa Valentina Happy Vanesa <p>Excellent service has an important role in accommodation businesses such as homestays because it has a big impact on the guest experience and the long-term sustainability of homestays and tourist attractions. This excellent service training aims to increase the knowledge and skills of homestay managers on Harapan Island, Kep Seribu, Jakarta. The method used was training and practice which was attended by 25 homestay managers. Evaluation is carried out by providing a Google form. The test results showed that 96% of participants experienced increased knowledge and skills in excellent service material so that this community service activity could be categorized as successful.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author PENGELOLAAN SDM UMKM DI ERA DIGITAL PADA PULAU HARAPAN, KEPULAUAN SERIBU 2024-07-16T15:09:05+00:00 Ria Estiana Nurdin Damdam Damiyana Himawan Pramulanto Jaenudin Akhmad <p style="text-align: justify;">Effective and adaptive management of Human Resources (HR) to the development of digital technology is the key to the success of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in the modern era. Harapan Island, one of the islands in the Thousand Islands, DKI Jakarta, has great economic potential, especially from the MSME sector. However, limitations in human resource management and the use of digital technology are the main challenges for the growth and sustainability of MSMEs in this region. This community service activity aims to increase the capacity of MSME human resource management on Harapan Island through the application of digital technology. This program includes training and assistance in the use of digital tools for human resource management, the development of basic digital skills for MSME actors, and increasing digital literacy among MSME workers. The methodology used includes workshops, intensive training sessions, and direct mentoring in the field. It is hoped that through this program, MSMEs on Harapan Island can optimize their human resource management, improve operational efficiency, and expand market reach through digital technology. In addition, this program also aims to build awareness and better understanding of the importance of digitalization in business management. Thus, MSMEs on Harapan Island can develop better and contribute more significantly to the local economy and the welfare of the local community.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author PENYULUHAN PENCEGAHAN 3 DOSA BESAR DALAM DUNIA PENDIDIKAN BAGI GURU DAN SISWA/I MAN 1 PULAU HARAPAN, KEP. SERIBU, JAKARTA 2024-07-27T08:28:52+00:00 Badriyah Tri Andriani Jajat Sudrajat Ibar Adi Permana Alfin Khaira <p>A safe, comfortable and disciplined school is a school where all school members are free from fear, intimidation, sexual violence and bullying so that a conducive atmosphere is created for learning and positive relationships between school members are established. Seeing the importance of understanding the consequences of the 3 major sins in Education, the LP3I Jakarta Polytechnic together with school members of SDN 01 and MAN 1, Pulau Harapan Village, Seribu Islands, conducted community service activities to create a healthy, child-friendly school culture environment. This training aims to increase knowledge and school members in Pulau Harapan, Seribu Islands, Jakarta regarding the 3 major sins of education. The method used is training and counseling attended by 25 teachers and students. The results of this community service are that it can increase knowledge and increase awareness of students in the 3 Great Sins in Education. The next activity that can be offered or suggested by the community service team is to provide soft skills training for students and self-development.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author PELATIHAN MANAJEMEN PEMASARAN DIGITAL BAGI UMKM DI PULAU HARAPAN, KEP. SERIBU, JAKARTA 2024-07-31T00:26:55+00:00 Dian Ikha Pramayanti Susbiyantoro Adine Setya Wardhani Kurnia Agus Wibowo <p>Polytechnic LP3I Jakarta community service activities in collaboration with Pulau Seribu Village, Pulau Harapan. Along with the widespread use of the internet in today's life, every business needs digital marketing. The presence of TikTok adds to the list of social media that have the potential to help promote and develop businesses in Indonesia. Apart from that, using Tiktok social media is not only about posting product photos but also how to package the product content to make it attractive and have bargaining value. The problem that industry players often experience in using Tiktok social media is creating interesting and easy content. In implementing this assistance, the implementation was carried out using the discussion method to map the problems faced by MSMEs in using Tiktok social media. This discussion was used to map the extent of problems in creating TikTok content and using Canva as well as by providing training and mentoring. The activity assistance was attended by around 25 participants from representatives of MSME actors on Harapan Island, Kep Seribu, Jakarta. The final result of this activity is that participants have an overview of using Canva and Tiktok. This activity is also expected to increase partner empowerment, namely the creation of MSMEs that have good knowledge and skills in optimizing digital marketing, especially Canva and Tiktok, in increasing sales. The methods used in this activity are lectures, training and discussions. Overall, the Digital Marketing training activities for UMKM Pulau Harapan, Kep Seribu Jakarta with the theme Canva and Tiktok Optimization went well. It is also hoped that this training can support and help MSME players to improve their ability to use and utilize Digital Marketing Tiktok and Canva to the fullest</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author MENINGKATKAN PRODUKTIVITAS DI LINGKUNGAN KERJA INDUSTRI/PRAKERIN 2024-08-01T08:23:32+00:00 Maria Evy Purwitasari Metya Lutviani Muhammad Ferdinansyah Tri Andriani May Vitha Rahmadhani <p>To support the process of teaching and learning activities in the vocational field, one of the learning processes is carried out at the SMK level. Every student who graduates from vocational school, as well as students from SMK 1 Barunawati, is required to have skills and be ready to work because vocational school graduates are usually not recognized by the business/industry world. Therefore, a Dual System Education (PSG) program was held, namely by implementing Industrial Work Practices (PRAKERIN) so that every vocational school graduate student has experience in the business world before entering the business world for real after graduating from school. In accordance with the results of observations and research from the Directorate of Vocational Secondary Education, the pattern of implementation at Vocational Schools has not clearly been able to produce graduates as expected. This can be seen from the learning conditions which are not yet conducive to producing professional workers, because a person's professional skills are not solely measured by mastery of knowledge elements and work techniques, but must be complemented by mastery of good work skills. There are two parties, namely educational institutions and employment opportunities (industry/companies or certain agencies) which jointly organize a vocational skills program. Thus both parties should be involved and responsible.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author PELATIHAN PEMANFAATAN MEDIA SOSIAL SEBAGAI PELUANG USAHA PADA UKM DI PULAU HARAPAN, KEP. SERIBU, JAKARTA 2024-08-02T04:13:04+00:00 Nining Purwaningsih Lena Erdawati Dede Sunaryo Metha Dwi Apriyanti Andi Kusuma Negara <p>Social media is now widely used in almost all companies, the reason is to reach consumers more quickly, easily and widely. Social media (Instagram, Whatsapp, Facebook, etc.) is part of digital marketing, namely product marketing efforts using digital media and internet networks. The change in marketing behavior from conventional to digital is not balanced by the existence of SMEs that use digital marketing, even though SMEs are believed to be able to stimulate the Indonesian economy. The methods used in this community service activity are training, lectures and questions and answers, and discussions. The result of this activity is to provide several solutions to be able to look for new business opportunities to maintain business continuity, namely utilizing social media. Apart from that, increasing digital marketing knowledge and increasing knowledge regarding the use of WhatsApp business social media as a sales promotion media. The conclusion of this activity is very useful for SMEs in providing suggestions, especially regarding digital marketing strategies.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author PENYULUHAN LITERASI DIGITAL (FINTECH) BAGI GURU DAN SISWA/I MAN 1 PULAU HARAPAN, KEP. SERIBU, JAKARTA 2024-08-02T06:30:26+00:00 Badie Uddin Abdul Karim Ibnu Suryadi <p>The development of financial literacy is very rapid because of digital technology which makes it possible for all groups to access various kinds of financial services. Even though the OJK regulator has implemented quite strict age limits and requirements in accessing these financial facilities, many of the general public, especially students who already have ID cards, ignore the terms and conditions in accessing these financial services, this has an impact on the phenomenon of many students who entangled in online loans, and even e-commerce transactions that make it easier for people to get into debt, this service tries to provide counseling or outreach to the public, especially students, to better understand financial literacy and to thoroughly examine the impacts and benefits. The student chosen as the object of this service is MAN 1 Pulau Harapan, Kep Seribu, Jakarta. The methods used in this community service activity are training, lectures and questions and answers, and discussions. The result of this activity is to increase knowledge of digital financial literacy for teachers and students/I MAN I Pulau Harapan Kep Seribu.. The conclusion of this activity is very useful for students in understanding digital finance in terms of advantages and disadvantages.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author PELATIHAN SISTEM PENGENDALIAN INTERNAL USAHA MIKRO 2024-05-08T16:14:31+00:00 Supeni Anggraeni Mapuasari Mila Austria Reyes Andrianantenaina Hajanirina Muhamad Safiq Liswandi <p>Understanding accounting system and internal control is part of managerial accounting skill that lead to SME success. As micro business, people often ignore this in the name of small size of gross revenue. In fact, failure to manage simple system such as the separated entity principles will lead to internal control failure. It is often correlated with financial management failure and many times creates bankruptcy. This training is specially purposed for assisting micro business owner to understand basic principles of internal control and accounting system. This activity was done in Bekasi, taken place at Bale Bamboo Resto, December 22, 2022. Thirty two micro business owners were attending the workshop. Utilizing several simple software available free in the play store, the micro business owner can implements several control principles.</p> 2024-07-24T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author