JURNAL ABDIMAS PLJ 2024-12-10T09:30:24+00:00 Sudirman Open Journal Systems <div class="intro"><ul><li><strong>Publisher: P3M Politeknik LP3I Jakarta<br /></strong></li><li><strong>Abbreviation: JAPLJ<br /></strong></li><li><strong>URL:</strong></li></ul></div><p>Sekilas Jurnal Abdimas PLJ :</p><p>Jurnal Abdimas PLJ (P-ISSN 2798-7469) ini merupakan jurnal ilmiah berkala yang terbit berdasarkan kaidah jurnal ilmiah ditujukan untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiah hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat.</p><p>Terbit pada Juli dan Desember setiap tahunnya. Naskah dikirim kapan pun melalui online (Registrasi). Pengiriman naskah Januari s/d Juni akan diterbitkan dibulan Juli dan pengiriman naskah Juli s/d November akan diterbitkan dibulan Desember</p> PENINGKATAN PEMAHAMAN INFORMASI LAPORAN KEUANGAN BERDASARKAN SAK EMKM 2024-10-15T06:26:08+00:00 Lulu Amalia Nusron Anandita Zulia Putri Ningrum Pramudiati Zidni Husnia Fachrunnisa Yennisa <p>There are many MSME business actors and they are spread across urban, rural, and even remote areas. MSME businesses do not require a high level of education so that Indonesian people with low levels of education can also become actors in this business. Due to the lack of knowledge and understanding of accounting and business financial reports, the purpose of this activity is to increase understanding of the importance of recording and preparing financial reports in accordance with the Financial Accounting Standards for Micro, Small and Medium Entities (SAK EMKM). This activity was carried out using the method of socialization and mentoring of one of the MSME actors in Yogyakarta, namely Meyva Collection. Previously, business actors still used private in their business results, did not separate personal and business transaction accounts, and did not record consignment sales. The results of this community service activity are expected to increase the knowledge of Meyva Collection business actors by routinely recording expenses such as sewing wages, purchasing raw materials for fabrics, determining the cost of production, so that they can make financial statements of profit and loss. In addition, we also hope that Meyva Collection business actors will routinely record direct sales and consignment income in accordance with SAK EMKM. This activity can foster a mindset in business actors that understanding financial report information based on SAK EMKM is very important for business development and capital participation.</p> 2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author PENDAMPINGAN LANSIA DI PANTI JOMPO ADINDA MULIA BAHAGIA 2024-11-25T11:13:36+00:00 Liswandi Pandu Adi Cakranegara <p>Many nursing home residents are individuals who have been abandoned by their families for various reasons, including financial difficulties, Family problems, or, worst of all, the ignorance of family members to give caregiving responsibilities. Consequently, these families often transfer the care of their elderly relatives to institutions like the Adinda Mulia Bahagia Foundation Nursing Homes, where residents may spend their remaining years without regular family visits or support. This abandonment significantly contributes to the emotional burden and trauma experienced by nursing home residents, many of whom are aware of their family abandoning them. As a result, nursing homes are often perceived as depressing place where elderly live the rest of their lives without their family connections that typically provide emotional support and family bond. This perception underscores the profound emotional and psychological challenges faced by these residents. In response to these challenges, our project aims to dedicate a day to engage and socialize with the nursing home residents with Citizenship, Pancasila, Religion knowledge. Through a variety of activities, we seek to relieve their emotional and mental burdens, providing moments of warm feelings and support, even if it is only for a day.</p> 2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author PELATIHAN PENULISAN KARYA SASTRA DAN KARYA TULIS ILMIAH UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KOMPETENSI SISWA SMP NEGERI 149 JAKARTA TIMUR 2024-11-28T09:06:18+00:00 Redjeki Agoestyowati Nurul Giswi Karomah <p>This community service discusses writing scientific papers or literary works. Writing literary works and scientific papers is a writing process based on scientific principles. This principle is an important foundation for ensuring the validity and accuracy of the work produced. The scientific writing training aims to foster interest and creative and innovative spirit from students at SMP 149 East Jakarta so that they can produce scientific works in accordance with the correct writing rules. In addition, this training also aims to improve students' critical, creative, communicative, and collaborative thinking skills. The evaluation of this training activity showed satisfactory results with full support from the school and active participation from all participants. It is hoped that this kind of activity can continue and involve the role of accompanying teachers.</p> 2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author SOSIALISASI 3 DOSA BESAR DALAM PENDIDIKAN UNTUK MENANAMKAN NILAI KARAKTER BAGI SISWA/I SMK KARYA NASIONAL, KAB. KUNINGAN JAWA BARAT 2024-12-02T06:41:11+00:00 Niantoro Sutrisno Ahmad Saepudin Jalaludin Euis Winarti Susanto <p>This study discusses the 3 big sins of education that many students in indonesia do not yet know what the 3 big sins are in the world of education. The aim of this activicy is to analyze and find ways to prevent the 3 major sins in the education of student participants at SMK Karya Nasional. This activity method uses a lecture (presentation) method to provide material counseling to the participants. This socialization activity aims to help students understand their understanding of the 3 major sins and their negative impacts, as well as offering practical solutions to support students perfect personality development. From the result obtained, students can learn from the consequences of bullying, sexual violence and intolerance by preventing it and even eliminating it. Apart from that, efforts must be made by schools, namely by providing a special place to provide students with learning material about friendship etiquette, learning etiquette, as well as material about the negative impacts of bullying and sexual violence</p> 2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author INOVASI 4.0 DALAM PEMBELAJARAN AKUNTANSI PADA SISWA/I SMK KARYA NASIONAL, KAB. KUNINGAN JAWA BARAT 2024-12-02T06:45:22+00:00 Rosedi Mohammad Sigit Adi Nugraha Dedy Suryadi Efrinal Enggun Gunawan <p>This study aims to determine innovation 4.0 in accounting learning for students at SMK Karya Nasional, Kab. Kuningan West Java. The digital era is a time where everyone can communicate with each other very closely, even though they are far apart. We can find out certain information very quickly, even in real time. Globalization is a process of international integration that occurs as a result of exchange of world views, products, ideas and other cultural aspects caused by the development of telecommunications, transportation and internet infrastructure. The result of the industrial revolution era 4.0 were also marked by the development of the internet and digital technology as well as the emergence of supercomputers and artificial intelligence. The education needed to enter the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 is learning that empowers students to be able to think critically, creatively, innovatively, collaborate and have high self-confidence. Revision of current skills is highly recommended to ensure the profession’s relevance in industry 4.0. enabling future accounting graduates to be accepted in the labor market. Developing the skills of future accountants must be the main agenda in this era. Online and distance learning must be the rise of education 4.0</p> 2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author PENTINGNYA SOFT SKILLS TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN KARIR GEN Z BAGI SISWA/I SMK KARYA NASIONAL, KAB. KUNINGAN JAWA BARAT 2024-12-02T06:48:27+00:00 Umi Hanik Makmuroh Venny Oktaviany Eka Ahadiyat Suryana Nunung Kurniasih Wati Rahayu <p>The aim of this Community Service (PKM) is to provide knowledge and skills regarding Soft Skills to students SMK Karya Nasional, Kab. Kuningan Jawa Barat. Especially in improving their skills through guidance in improving Soft Skills abilities. The prospect of improving Soft Skills aims to train personality, communication skills or personal attributes that are needed to be able to provide good performance in a job or business. The Soft Skills they process will make it easier for students to interact with the environment they enter. The activities of this community service program are to provide outreach to students at SMK Karya Nasional as Generation Z, providing guidance or counseling which can improve Soft Skills through many supportive activities. This was done as an effort to improve Soft Skills for generation z in order to face the era of industrial revolution 4.0</p> 2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author EDUKASI MENGENAI PEMANFAATAN MEDIA SOSIAL DALAM PUBLIC SPEAKING BAGI SISWA/I SMK KARYA NASIONAL, KAB. KUNINGAN JAWA BARAT 2024-12-02T06:52:06+00:00 Widiarti Lestariningsih Dea Arsyad T. Yoanyta Octora Eti Jumiati Asep Solihin <p>This research activity is to determin the impat of using social media in public speaking activities forr students at SMK Karya National. The times have entered the digital era where technology continues to develop rapidly and everyone is involved in the dynamics of social media. This research aims to provide education about social media in depth, both in terms of positive and negative azpects of public speaking sklills. Where currently social media is very common for everyone. Social media is also able to influence speaking style, grammar and word use. The influence of informal language and casual communication styles common on social media can be a challenge in formal communication. The significance of public speaking in the educational and professional world is crucial, students are faced with the challenge of developing public speaking skills along with the dominance of social media</p> 2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author PERENCANAAN DAN PENGELOLAAN KEUANGAN SEDERHANA BERBASIS TEKNOLOGI PADA SISWA/I SMK KARYA NASIONAL, KAB. KUNINGAN JAWA BARAT 2024-12-02T06:56:02+00:00 Yopy Ratna Dewanti Faridha Nurazizah Yasirrahayu Sari Mujiani Moh. Abdurrasyid Istna Fibriyadi <p>The Digital era is a time where everyone can communicate with each other very closely, even though they are far apart. We can find out certain information very quickly, even in real time. Globalization is a process of international integration that occurs as a resul of the exchange of world views, product, ideas and other cultural aspects caused by the development of telecomunications, transportation and internet infrastructure. In financial management, both recording income and expenditure is very important as a basis for evaluating existing business systems.wtih the development of increasingly better technology, it is necessary to have a touch of computerized technology in financial management in recording income and expenditure transactionsso that it will be faster and more effective in recording transactions. The method used in this service is a socialization method regarding the use of information in financial management and s followed by training and practice in preparing information technology-based financial reports. As a result of this service, it is hoped that students will have the ability to prepare technology-basaed financial reports and able to record transaction using computer application. It is also hoped that students can increase transparency and accountability in financial management when facing the world of work after graduating.</p> 2024-12-10T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Author