This study aims to determine the administrative procedures of the purchase of goods, to know obstacles that occur, to find out the solutions that are implemented in dealing with obstacles encountered in the procedure of administration of purchasing goods at the PT Metindo Erasakti Bekasi West Java. The data collection technique is performed by observing and interviewing the object in person. The procurement procedures at Metindo Erasakti have been pretty good. However, there are still slight shortcomings in the process of entering data on the invoice invoices due to the non-original purchase order of the supplier given to the accounting department, which slows down the entering process in accounting and the payment to be made by the finance department could not be made. The procurement administrative procedures at Metindo Erasakti have been carried out in accordance with the purchase procedures. But there's always an obstacle because suppliers don't include a receipt for the billing data so that the process of entering the payment data in the accounting department can be sent to the finance department to be processed quickly. The goods are not in accordance with the PO purchase order and the invoice received due to the supplier's inadequate inspection of the goods before shipping.
Keywords : Procedures, Administration,Procurement
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