JURNAL ADMINISTRASI BISNIS INTERNASIONAL https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi <span><strong>Jurnal Administrasi Bisnis Internasional (JAMBI) (ISSN 2715-4548)</strong> ini merupakan jurnal ilmiah berkala yang terbit berdasarkan kaidah jurnal ilmiah ditujukan untuk mempublikasikan karya ilmiah hasil penelitian yang ditulis oleh dosen, mahasiswa dan peneliti pada bidang ilmu administrasi bisnis yang mencakup tentang administrasi pemasaran, ekspor dan impor, penjualan, perhotelan, periklanan, perbankan, produksi dan pengangkutan. Terbit pada Mei dan November setiap tahunnya. Naskah dapat dikirim kapan pun melalui online (Registrasi). Pengiriman naskah Desember s/d April akan diterbitkan dibulan Mei dan pengiriman naskah Juni s/d Oktober akan diterbitkan dibulan November.</span> en-US iaj@plj.ac.id (Agung Edi Rustanto) uppm.poltek@gmail.com (Pundhi Utomo) Tue, 30 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PELAKSANAAN PELAYANAN PRIMA PEMBUATAN FORMULIR SURAT PINDAH DI KANTOR DESA SUKAJADI KECAMATAN SUKAKARYA KABUPATEN BEKASI https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/914 <p>The purpose of this study was conducted to find out how the implementation of making a transfer certificate at the Sukajadi village office, as well as knowing what obstacles were experienced and how to solve them. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, namely by explaining the research data in detail and systematically so that it is easily understood by the reader. Based on the results of the research that the authors obtained, it can be concluded that making a transfer letter at the Sukajadi village office, Sukakarya sub-district, Bekasi district is in accordance with the operational standards set by the central government, but in implementation there are still several obstacles that are often faced by service officers at the Sukajadi village office. such as the applicant not bringing complete requirements, the process of making letters that takes a long time, the lack of service officers in making letters, the absence of making letters online, the service hours of the village office are limited. The solution to these obstacles should be for officers to inform applicants about the requirements for making letters, to the village government to add facilities and service officers in making letters so they don't take up a lot of time, and have to make letter-making programs online to make it easier for the community, and can overcome operating hours. in the service of making transfer documents.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong> : Implementation, Excellent Service, Moving Letter</p> Taty Noorhayati, Dania Putri Copyright (c) 2021 Author https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/914 Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS PENGARUH HARGA DAN GAYA HIDUP TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN (STUDI KASUS PADA RESTORAN XXX CIKARANG) https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/915 <p>In an era that is developing in the world community, including in Indonesia, there is a change in lifestyle (life style), the younger generation currently prefers food and spends time to the mall, and to cafes which of course the food in fast food restaurants, KFC, McD, Pizza Hut and so on. The development that continues to increase in the world economy as it is today, and technology science is growing rapidly, not only in the economic, cultural and educational sectors. Change is also inevitable in culture alone. One of these cultural changes is that ready-to-eat food that previously did not exist in Indonesia, but with the development of the era of fast food which will be widely sold and can be found in Indonesia. In this study, the formulation of the problem discussed is how the influence of price and lifestyle on purchasing decisions (Case Study at XXX Cikarang Restaurant). This research method is a quantitative approach with secondary data. The data analysis methods in this study are validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, hypothesis test, descriptive and data unit analysis. The results of this study are prices and lifestyles affect purchasing decisions (Case Study at XXX Cikarang Restaurant)</p><p><strong>Keywords : </strong>Price, Lifestyle and Purchasing Decisions</p> Himawan Pramulanto, Widya Octavia Copyright (c) 2021 Author https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/915 Tue, 22 Aug 2023 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISA EFEKTIVITAS PENGAWASAN KINERJA KARYAWAN PADA BAGIAN PRODUKSI PT TOKAI RUBBER AUTO HOSE INDONESIA https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/917 <p>This study aims to determine the effectiveness of supervision, constraints and solutions in monitoring the performance of production employees at PT Tokai Rubber Auto Hose Indonesia. The technique of collecting data through observation is to directly observe the object being examined. The obstacles to the performance monitoring procedures for employees in the production department at PT Tokai Rubber Auto Hose Indonesia During the production process, employees do not follow the SOP and are often late to the line. The temporary solution is to evaluate and monitor employee activities in a good understanding of procedures.<strong></strong></p><p> </p><div><p><strong>Keywords</strong> : Effectiveness ,Monitoring, Employee Performance</p></div> Tri Winarto, Amri Rahmawati Copyright (c) 2021 Author https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/917 Tue, 30 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 ANALISIS PROSEDUR ALIH MEDIA DOKUMEN PEGAWAI DARI MEDIA FISIK KE MEDIA DIGITAL PADA PT PELABUHAN INDONESIA https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/919 <p>This research was conducted to find out the Procedures, Constraints, and Solutions to the Procedure for Transferring Employee Document Media From Physical Media to Digital Media at PT Pelabuhan Indonesia. Writing Methods This study uses data collection techniques, namely library research and field studies. The studies conducted during field studies were interviews and observations. Sort employee documents from the archive storage space by Separating documents according to the employee's year of birth Then separating by employee name and separating by Document Type, making a list of documents received in the Google Drive application in the folder format of the employee's birth year after entering then copying the document by scanning according to the employee's name and document type, and the scan results are stored in Google Drive according to the year and employee's name there is one document that is no longer legible in appearance and writing, errors in document storage such as the data entered does not match what is in storage space, there is an error on the computer that is being used. provide air conditioners such as air conditioners to keep room temperature stable and fans to exhaust air from inside to outside, after use put them back in their original places such as rooms, shelves, levels, and box places, carry out routine service once a month</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Analysis, Procedures, Media Transfer, Employee Documents</p> Umi Hanik Makmuroh, Muhammad Yusril Hanafi Copyright (c) 2021 Author https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/919 Tue, 30 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 PROSEDUR ADMINISTRASI PEMBELIAN BARANG PADA PT METINDO ERASAKTI BEKASI JAWA BARAT https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/921 <p><em>This study aims to determine the administrative procedures of the purchase of goods, to know obstacles that occur, to find out the solutions that are implemented in dealing with obstacles encountered in the procedure of administration of purchasing goods at the PT Metindo Erasakti Bekasi West Java. The data collection technique is performed by observing and interviewing the object in person. The procurement procedures at Metindo Erasakti have been pretty good. However, there are still slight shortcomings in the process of entering data on the invoice invoices due to the non-original purchase order of the supplier given to the accounting department, which slows down the entering process in accounting and the payment to be made by the finance department could not be made. The procurement administrative procedures at Metindo Erasakti have been carried out in accordance with the purchase procedures. But there's always an obstacle because suppliers don't include a receipt for the billing data so that the process of entering the payment data in the accounting department can be sent to the finance department to be processed quickly. The goods are not in accordance with the PO purchase order and the invoice received due to the supplier's inadequate inspection of the goods before shipping.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><div><p><em>Keywords : Procedures, Administration,Procurement</em></p></div> Tri Andriyani, Rani Ratnasari Copyright (c) 2021 Author https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/921 Tue, 30 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 STRATEGI PEMASARAN PAKET UMROH PADA PT. FATHI LINTAS ASIA BEKASI – JAWA BARAT https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/922 <div><p>This study aims determine to the marketing strategy of the Umroh package that exists in the PT. Fathi Trans Asia. The aim of this study is to find out the strategies used, obstacles, and solutions in the face of competitors on the marketing part. Technique of data collection through observation, i.e. direct observation of the object being studied. As for some of the obstacles that occur in the marketing of packages Umroh at PT. Fathi Trans Asia in marketing packages to new customers trust is very important because the product offered is a service that is felt after making payment, therefore the customer is not easy to trust with the company then from that the company makes an agreement approved by both sides. And the program offered monotonous, then from that company made a new program with the addition of Tour to several countries. As well as a poor program then the company frames or trains employees to carry out the program as well as possible.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Keywords</strong> : Strategy, Marketing, Umroh Packages</p></div> M Ferdinansyah, Rizki Maulana Yusuf Copyright (c) 2021 Author https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/922 Tue, 30 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH BUDAYA ORGANISASI DAN DISIPLIN KERJA TERHADAP LOYALITAS KARYAWAN KSP CU BINA SEROJA JAKARTA TIMUR https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/923 <p class="Style4">HR is an important company asset that plays a role as a supporting actor in achieving company goals. Therefore, companies need human resources who have high loyalty to the company in order to optimally achieve company goals. Organizational culture and work discipline KSP CU Bina Seroja means that each member complies with the regulations in the Organization as well as used to motivate employees to discipline themselves in carrying out work both individually and in groups. This study aims to see whether there is an influence of organizational culture and work discipline on employee loyalty. The population in this study were all employees totaling 33 people. The sampling technique of this study is a saturated sample, meaning that all of the population sampled 33 people. The method of data analysis is multiple linear regression, with partial and simultaneous hypothesis testing, with the help of SPSS version 25. The results of this study indicate that organizational culture and work discipline partially have a significant effect on employee loyalty at KSP CU Bina Seroja, Jakarta. In addition, in this study organizational culture and work discipline have an influence on employee loyalty by 74.2%, the remaining 25.8% is influenced by other factors.</p><p><strong>Key words:</strong> Organizational Culture, Work Discipline, and Employee Loyalty</p> Dadang Surya Kencana, Yandarius Molo Copyright (c) 2021 Au https://plj.ac.id/ojs/index.php/jambi/article/view/923 Tue, 30 Nov 2021 00:00:00 +0000