WACANA KOMERSIALISASI LABEL HALAL di MEDIA MASSA (Kajian Analisis Wacana Pemberitaan Komersialisasi Label Halal Majelis Ulama Indonesia pada Majalah Tempo)
The mass media have a role in building the discourse to a broad audience. As well as the weekly news magazine Tempo regarding commercialization halal label by high officials of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) which is where the news is then able to provide a different perspective that may affect the views of the public in view of the procedure for obtaining a certificate halal. Text on reports commercialization MUI halal , Tempo visible representations of preaching pro. Based on the findings by using a discourse analysis approach of Theo Van Leuween, it was found that their imbalances, especially in placing portion news resource statement is even more damning statement of resources as opposed MUI. While Tempo also showed less authentic presentation of relevant evidence in the form of testimony from several parties regarding the commercialization of MUI Halal label performed, so that the truth of news becomes confusing.
Keyword : Discourse, MUI Halal Label, Mass Media
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