This study aims to find out the activities, how the constraints and find out the solutions to the obstacles in the internal communication activities of the SRComm departemen at a company. The research used is descriptive qualitative, the data collection techniques are observation and interviews. The results of research on internal communication activities in the SRCom departemen, 1) Pre-activity of the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Program by making Activity Proposal and Budgets, internal departemenal meeting by SRCom leaders, 2) implementation of CSR Activities Forming Volunteers & PICs of CSR Activities, implementing programs CSR around the head office, implementing CSR programs outside the region. 3) evaluation and report on program activities. Constraints making proposals and program budgets, forming volunteers and PICs of CSR activities, program implementation. The solution to the obstacles that occur is making proposals guided by the leadership by explaining the aims, objectives and targets of the instructed program, making specific criteria and work instructions signed by the head of the departemen from the employees concerned becoming volunteers, forming an external audit team.
Key words: activity, communication, internal communication.
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