
  • Asep Chandra Hidayat Politeknik LP3I Jakarta
  • Inna Hanarti Politeknik LP3I Jakarta
  • Muhammad Yasin Politeknik LP3I Jakarta


This study aims to determine the technical helpdesk communication in monitoring employees at perusahaan, this is done in view of the global development of companies in the world, especially in Indonesia, which is growing rapidly with advances in technology and communication to make it easier for employees to carry out work activities. In addition to communication, monitoring is also needed to control the work activities of each employee. In addition, monitoring activities can also be carried out when providing services to customers. In this study, a literature study writing methodology was used which consisted of supporting books, company data, and the internet as well as field studies at perusahaan, which aims to find out what obstacles occur and solutions to deal with these problems. The results of this field study found technical helpdesk communication in monitoring employees at perusahaan, namely by using media, including media wa groups, e-mail, and telephone. In terms of constraints, there are many trouble tickets that must be registered and the team's network signal in the field is unstable. In connection with these constraints, there are several solutions from the technical helpdesk communication strategy to employees, namely by coordinating with other technical helpdesks and if the team's network signal in the field is unstable, the team in the field should continue to monitor and repair damage and keep documentation ( photos) which if needed at any time then the team can provide it.

Keywords: Communication, internal communication, monitoring


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