Edi Wahyu Wibowo, Minggu Minggu


One alternative solution to developing city problems in Indonesia is to apply the concept of a Green City as part of the city's development and rejuvenation process. The concept of a green city has a strategic meaning because it is motivated by several factors, including the rapid growth of the city and its implications for the emergence of various urban problems including the City of Jakarta. Environmental problems in the city of Jakarta such as loss of agricultural land, environmental pollution, increased air temperature, low air quality, impacts on water quality and quantity, impacts on public and social health need to be anticipated by applying the Semi Green GRDP as a basis for measuring the economy. Calculation results In 2016 there was a depletion value of 0.12%, while in 2017 there was a depletion value of 0.11% compared to conventional / brown GRDP. So in 2016 the value of Semi Green GRDP is 99.88%, while in 2017 the value of Semi Green GRDP is 99.89% compared to conventional / brown GRDP.

Keywords: Semi-Green GRDP, Depletion, Green City

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