Taty Noorhayati, Dania Putri


The purpose of this study was conducted to find out how the implementation of making a transfer certificate at the Sukajadi village office, as well as knowing what obstacles were experienced and how to solve them. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, namely by explaining the research data in detail and systematically so that it is easily understood by the reader. Based on the results of the research that the authors obtained, it can be concluded that making a transfer letter at the Sukajadi village office, Sukakarya sub-district, Bekasi district is in accordance with the operational standards set by the central government, but in implementation there are still several obstacles that are often faced by service officers at the Sukajadi village office. such as the applicant not bringing complete requirements, the process of making letters that takes a long time, the lack of service officers in making letters, the absence of making letters online, the service hours of the village office are limited. The solution to these obstacles should be for officers to inform applicants about the requirements for making letters, to the village government to add facilities and service officers in making letters so they don't take up a lot of time, and have to make letter-making programs online to make it easier for the community, and can overcome operating hours. in the service of making transfer documents.

Keywords : Implementation, Excellent Service, Moving Letter

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