M Ferdinansyah, Rizki Maulana Yusuf


This study aims determine to the marketing strategy of the Umroh package that exists in the PT. Fathi Trans Asia. The aim of this study is to find out the strategies used, obstacles, and solutions in the face of competitors on the marketing part. Technique of data collection through observation, i.e. direct observation of the object being studied. As for some of the obstacles that occur in the marketing of packages Umroh at PT. Fathi Trans Asia in marketing packages to new customers trust is very important because the product offered is a service that is felt after making payment, therefore the customer is not easy to trust with the company then from that the company makes an agreement approved by both sides. And the program offered monotonous, then from that company made a new program with the addition of Tour to several countries. As well as a poor program then the company frames or trains employees to carry out the program as well as possible.


Keywords : Strategy, Marketing, Umroh Packages

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