Dadang Surya Kencana, Yandarius Molo


HR is an important company asset that plays a role as a supporting actor in achieving company goals. Therefore, companies need human resources who have high loyalty to the company in order to optimally achieve company goals. Organizational culture and work discipline KSP CU Bina Seroja means that each member complies with the regulations in the Organization as well as used to motivate employees to discipline themselves in carrying out work both individually and in groups. This study aims to see whether there is an influence of organizational culture and work discipline on employee loyalty. The population in this study were all employees totaling 33 people. The sampling technique of this study is a saturated sample, meaning that all of the population sampled 33 people. The method of data analysis is multiple linear regression, with partial and simultaneous hypothesis testing, with the help of SPSS version 25. The results of this study indicate that organizational culture and work discipline partially have a significant effect on employee loyalty at KSP CU Bina Seroja, Jakarta. In addition, in this study organizational culture and work discipline have an influence on employee loyalty by 74.2%, the remaining 25.8% is influenced by other factors.

Key words: Organizational Culture, Work Discipline, and Employee Loyalty

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