Sari Prabandari


Communication is a very important thing in conducting social interactions. Communication is no longer seen as supporting activities, but has been a determinant of the failure or failure of an activity, especially activities in an organization. This includes communication that uses technology as a medium on learning. The development of communication technology that began around the 1980s, brought changes to the style of learning, originating from classical learning, then shifted to distance learning (dLearning) based on electronic learning (eLearning) and currently shifting to car learning (mLearning). Although e-learning can be used anytime and anywhere, not all supporting facilities are available, such as the availability of computers and internet services to access the e-learning. Unlike the use of the internet using computers, mobile phones as one of the communication media have advantages in terms of mobility. According to the latest survey from We are Social, in January 2019, the number of mobile devices has exceeded the population of Indonesia, which amounted to 355.5 million devices. The above is a great potential that must be utilized by the education sector to support the learning process. This paper aims to explain more about the potential and benefits that can be explored from mobile communication devices (mobile phones) to support the learning process that has the ultimate goal of improving the quality of graduates. The writing method used is descriptive qualitative

Keywords: communication, communication technology, mobile, learning

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