KOMUNIKASI ANTARBUDAYA PASANGAN BEDA ETNIS (Studi Fenomenologi Pasangan beda Etnis Suku Sulawesi - Jawa di Makassar)

Hadawiyah Hadawiyah


Intercultural Communication struggle becomes unique when it involves the relationship between the different tribes and ethnic Javanese ethnic Sulawesi full dynamics. In this research aims to investigate and find out how the harmony of intercultural communication that occurs within a couple different parts and how the process of likening mutual perceptions between the two ethnic groups, so that the role of the individual in establishing interaction in the frame of cultural differences will determine the outcome of the communication process. This study emphasizes the intercultural communication in different families include parts of Sulawesi and Java. Technical analysis of the data used in this research is descriptive analysis in addition, researchers also use interactive techniques, this technique is used so that the data collected information can always be compared in order to obtain accurate data and information. Through the process cycle researchers will conduct ongoing activities in the stages of data collection to achieve maximum results.

Keywords: intercultural communication, a couple different ethnicities.

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